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Code of Ethics of the JSW Group of Companies

The Code of Ethics of the JSW Group of Companies is a set of binding standards and values applicable to all positions and levels across the JSW Group of Companies. The Code of Ethics constitutes a fundamental tool supporting the enforcement of desired conduct and punishing potential violations of the adopted ethical standards. At the same time, it represents JSW's ethics, anti-discrimination, and in part, anti-corruption policy.

Anti-Corruption Policy of the JSW Group of Companies

An element of the compliance system, the Anti-Corruption Policy of the JSW Group of Companies defines employee duties and principles to be followed in terms of preventing corrupt conduct. 
The Policy reaffirms the principles outlined in the Code of Ethics of the JSW Group of Companies by highlighting and relating them to business conduct rules. 
To that end, the Policy provides for a ban on giving and receiving any financial or personal benefits, as well as on any promises thereof. This particularly includes giving to or accepting from any public officials any gifts or invitations.

Irregularity Reporting Procedure at the JSW Group of Companies

The Irregularity Reporting Procedure at the JSW Group of Companies introduces uniform rules for reporting potential irregularities at the JSW Group of Companies.